Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Oh, that's right, Editing is what we talk about here!

Silly me! How quickly I forget!

So I edited something last night. Hooray. Except it was boring. Not as boring as toast mind you, but maybe as boring as toast with margarine. And that my friends is an abhomination. (Someone spell that for me, will you?)

Imagine a room with 6 directors, 1 editor, and 20 minutes of footage to advertise a lighting product. Imagine the teacher, as a funny ha ha to himself I'm sure, let these 6 directors do the taping sans script. At least everyone in the class actually does video stuff for a living. Otherwise we can all imagine THAT nightmare scenario.

Thankfully it wasn't that bad. I had to deliver my list of demands to the direkitors a few times, mainly "I will ignore you until 1 person, and 1 person only calls out my name to tell me what the next shot should be" since of course being the producer/direkitors they are, they must discuss everything to death. It's nice having the skill to block out people's voices and hear it as background noise. Unfortunately I can't really turn that off. Big problems in bars. But more on that later.

I complete the 30 second edit for this ad piece and call it a night. I don't think it's well done, nor do I think it tells a good story. A 10 second montage would've helped, but what do I know? I'm just the editor. The pixel wrangler, the motion monkey, the, well, you get the idea. I push pixels around. Too bad that doesn't burn calories.

So then at lunch today part of the class is there and calls me over. The teacher? Loved it. He's there and compliments me. I'm surprised. I thought it was cucky.

It's nice to know people like cuck. Especially professionals. And it's nice to know I don't get too bent out of shape over delivering cuck.

The high school students have invaded. I'll be working with them soon enough. More on that later. And, if you're lucky, pictures. I bought me a digital camera, woo hoo.


At 8:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

n 1: a person who is loathsome or disgusting 2: hate coupled with disgust [syn: abhorrence, detestation, execration, loathing, odium] 3: an action that is vicious or vile; an action that arouses disgust or abhorence; "his treatment of the children is an abomination"


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