Thursday, April 20, 2006

So sometimes the computer lab is fun

I work in a computer lab. Yeah, yeah, but it pays my tuition.

I genuinely like working in tech support, on a hands on basis. There's just something about solving problems quickly that I find appealing. I also like teaching people little tips and tricks with programs. And it's always fun when someone says "I want to do X, but there's no way to do it" and I laugh to myself and say "Oh yes there is, let me show you". Technology is cool. It will do great things for you. I like spreading the gospel of Adobe, Apple and Macromedia.

Today at the lab everyone was editing it seemed. Everyone had questions (and the utterly stupid mundane ones I let someone else handle, otherwise murder would have been committed). This was the first day in a long while that I was on my feet for most of the day. I love days like this and wish it would happen more often. Several people thanked me for my help, which was nice. Now if I can up the ante and attain the goal I did while working in my undergrad lab- being thanked in the credits for several student films one semester (I think I hit 8, while another person hit 5 or 6), then that would be great. Part of that is pure ego, but the other reason is that people realize what the lab assistants do for them, and that their projects are ultimately better for the support we provide. So credit thanks is always a nice pat on the back which we rarely get.

Yes, this is a rambling. It has nothing too really do with editing per se, but I felt inspired. Also, the lab is now quiet and I am bored :P


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