Thursday, April 13, 2006

Crap, Someone Knows this Exists Now

So I must UPDATE it. How awful!

I can't even recall what I posted about last time, so here's a general update plus some editing tidbits.

1- I interviewed for that job in Maine. There will be little to do but work, drink, and hopefully read a whole helluva lot. I hope I get it. Things seem hopeful that I will since I knew the Post Manager from my old college. I should know in another week or so.

Yes, I'm climbing the walls to find out. Don't pester me about it.

2- The place where I'm currently working just lost their editor. I was asked to apply for it. If I got Maine AND this gig, they would hold the gig over the summer and I would go full time in the fall. Which means part time school. Which would make me insanely. happy.

So as you can see, many eggs in a basket which haven't hatched. On top of that all, I'm EPing a 48 Hour team in the festival for DC.

For those of us keeping track of my busy schedule, let's sum up what's due when.
May 4th- Final versions and website for Advanced Visual Media Portfolio.
May 7th- 48Hour Festival film is due at 7:30pm.
May 8th- Final cut of Video 2 program.
May 9th- Final version of Motion Graphics 2 project.


For real. I can't make this shit up, I assure you.

Anyway, editing rules to live by:
1- Never cut A roll- B roll. Always cut A-Roll to sequences of B-roll shots.
If A roll is not entertaining, don't cut back to it damnit. We know who's talking!
2- Montages are fun. Do them often.
3- Don't tell everyone what the point of your project is in the first minute. Especially if your footage allows it. Especially if your project is LONG. First 5 minutes? Sure. First 1? No way.

In other news, I might get to edit an actual piece of video that's 1) nothing to do with training, 2) has no script, and 3) i can be creative with. Don't pass out or anything. I know I almost did.

I will peruse previous postings to see if I need to comment on anything else.


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