Thursday, June 08, 2006

My summer in Maine, or more appropriately, Eating Mahi-Mahi in the Rain

Yes! The Post Girl (in DC) is now the Post Girl (in Maine).

What this means for y'all is:
You get to read about me complaining about the rain in Maine
Entertaining you with a page count of how many pages I've read thus far in Maine
Begging you for movie rec's for my Netflix
Possibly some on-topic content about post
And most importantly, invitations to hang out (be bored or party) up in Maine.

I knew y'all would be MOST excited. This excitement shall continue until August 19th, when the Post Girl (in Maine) hangs out at her parents house before trudging back down to DC to Move.

In the rare case that someone was not excited, I leave you with the following links to entertain you:

And, the reasons I have no fabulous post stories to entertain you with are as follows:
It's not that busy up here
I've only trouble shot a few technical problems not dealing with editing
I've been busy drinking on Panasonic's tab
I have no chair at my temp accomodations, therefore no editing of my own to do
Camden has good coffee, news which is almost as good as editing

Ok, maybe not the last one (well, there is good coffee) but you get the idea. I move on Sunday. The YoFi's (Young Filmmakers of high school age. be scared. i am.) invade next week. More itneresting tid bits then!


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