Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Updates a plenty

The Editor has news!

First on the list, The Editor is going to Maine for the summer. Partaaaaaay! Yes, I got the gig. I will be in Maine. On the Coast. With no humidity. And sadly, no money. I think I made more at the bookstore than I will make there. Thank god for savings accounts. I'm sure it will be interesting at the very least. It will be great on my resume, and it will require me to be more social than I generally want to be. Ugh for that. Here's hoping I can buy a cheap mattress to that's bigger than a twin for the summer.

Second on the list, The Editor has handed in her "test" for the Potential New Employer. PNE asked me to do this test, for a corporate client in town. Of course interviews were done with no method to the madness, and I must cobble together a story. The story's been cobbled. I'm happy. There is one clip I hate, but I think the corporate monkeys will want it there. No graphics, no music, no b-roll, just interviews right now. So yes, I feel good.

Ok, wait, I just sent the link on to several people to get feedback. Second guessing is second nature a moi! Groan.

Maybe more news later. We shall see.


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