Wednesday, January 25, 2006


One of the banes of being an editor, or a production company in general, is that you will, you must, you have to cut training videos. And people train on the most boring topics ever. Occasionally it's interesting. And so what I've been cutting, proofing, reproofing, recutting and going cross eyed over IS in fact interesting. But still, the repetition sucks.

For those of you who don't know, an editor can watch a sequence of action dozens upon dozens of times. This means we'll hear the sound dozens of dozens of times. Often in reverse, sometimes going forward in high speed. But we'll hear it constantly. We start to memorize scripts (not because we want to), we to unconsciously tap out the beat of the music with our foot, our fingers tapping in time as well. We can quote you better than you can. It's sick, and when you're punchdrunk, it's hilarious.

And the next day when you have to come in to see it again, you try not to scream. Groaning is permitted.

So I'm done with one training video, and am moving on to one that's not too interesting. Sigh.

When do I get to do my motion graphics homework? :/


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