Thursday, April 13, 2006

Ah, Right! MMP and Pissing Teachers Off!

How could I forget! Major Media Player! Drama! Oi!

So, more drama ensued with MMP. They yelled at me over e-mail. They got snooty with me. I politely told them they never told me about XYZ and dude, that's stupid. Then they said "oops". So then I delivered the trailer to them. End of story. I do not care anymore.

Onto professor I piss off on a daily basis. i'm still doing it. It's fun. I enjoy giving her shit that she must grin and bear. Or ignoring her when she instructs a class in the complete wrong way to do something. Ah, fun times, fun times.

Onto professor I pissed off once. She seemed to have been in a mood. Go figure.

Still don't know about Maine. Don't ask. MWROAR.


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