Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Best Job I'll Ever Have

That about sums up my thoughts on this job. I will probably never have another job like it, which is quite depressing when you think about it, or at least, not for some time. If anything, I reckon this job serves as a goal to eventually work toward again.

This job is on the coast of maine, which in and of itself, is definition of heaven. I know even in the dead of winter, I would still love it. There is something in me which is inexplicably drawn to the ocean. More schools and production companies need to set up shop on the East Coast. Or I need to ponder a West Coast move. Nnnnnah.

The duties of the job itself are easy cheese. I'm slated to work 40 hours, I'm scheduled for about 34, and of that, I work possibly 28-30? Sometimes I edit, sometimes I surf the web, sometimes I sit on the porch. I also get paid to eat. Sometimes 2 meals a day. That's phat my friends.

I can also tell people their edits suck. And be that blunt. Honestly rules. I am in my element here.

My boss backs me up. How rare is that? Ok, maybe it's not that rare, but I worked in retail for awhile. Nuff said.

My rent is taken care of (freelance projects before I left), and I have no outstanding bills. So while I get paid crap, there's very little, economically speaking, I have to worry about, aside from gas.

So, perfect locale, no money issues and easy job. Le sigh. It's pretty much perfect.


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