Friday, November 10, 2006

Netflix week in review: The Aristocrats

It's not every movie that can clear a room, but I'm sure the Aristocrats managed this. After probably the 18th mention of "cock" my roommate leaves the room. The Aristocrats is not for the weak at heart. And if you're easily offended, well, fuck you, watch the movie!

The Aristocrats is very simple- there's a joke by the same name that most people have never heard. Why? Because it's so rude, crude and socially unacceptable that it cannot be told on a stage (generally). There are only 2 lines that are required of the joke, and the entire middle is adlibbed. Every comedian who tells the joke adds his own je ne said quoi to the whole thing, and therefore it's never the same thing twice. Most of the time there's fucking and sucking and shitting involved. Sometimes bleeding and puking and things in orifices that you might not imagine. The dirty is required. Shock and awe must occur. And all comedians try to up one another.

Now, anyone who knows me knows that I swear like a sailor. I will swear to the cows come home. Fuck is practically every other word out of my mouth when I get on a roll. But I'm rarely crude. And this movie is crude. It's a study in crude and what offends and it revels in that which offends. The joke usually focuses on sexual humor, but some note that the sexual humor is no longer the most offensive thing out there- it's race. And some of them take it there. And after you get over the shock value, it's pretty fun and interesting to watch.

And best of all, Steven Wright is in it. How I love Steven Wright, well, my writing does no justice. He's the man. Not even Lewis Black can top him. (Uh, well, what they do in the privacy of their own homes...) So yeah, Steven Wright.

It's also a bit of a treat to see some of your favorite comedians being absolutely raunchy- Saget, Carey, etc. Hilarious to see what comes out of their mouths really.

Anyway, very much worthy of a rental. Now I shall sleep :P


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