Monday, October 09, 2006

The Post Week in Review

I think that's the best way to go about making sure I do post something worthwhile- do it all at once!

So, yes, a review. Ok....

Corporate video edited? Check.
Listened to blah stock music? Check.
Gazed adoringly at footage shot on HVX-200? Check.

This week I'm doing multicamera-multiclip editing, which is both badass and assbad. Whats badass about it is that you can do multicamera even if the timecodes don't sync up. You set in points and Final Cut figures the rest out. What's ass bad about it is if you have 2 clips for camera 4, and only 1 clip for cameras 1-3. Not so crazy a thing to happen, especially if you're shooting on the HVX and it "smartly" decides to break clips and carry them over onto another P2 card when one gets full. FCP can't rightly figure that out. And you can't slap them down into a timeline, and make sequences into a "multiclip" because FCP doesn't roll that way.


Anyway, this brings me to this week's installment of I have good taste in pop culture
TV: Studio 60. Seriously, why aren't you watching? It's Sorkin, and Sorkin is a GOD.
FILM: The Departed. Wow. Uh, yeah. I can't get more coherant than that.
MUSIC: TV on the Radio, meh. Matt Pond PA? I like it more. But still not a winner.


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