Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Something for Nothing

Seriously folks, what is it with companys WITH MONEY that are trying to get shit for free? I'M TIRED OF THIS SHIT.

First there's the internships, which students in my field pretty much MUST DO unless they are god's gift to filmmaking. You show up for work, yet you don't get paid. You don't show up for a class, yet you must pay the university for your internship credits. You're out 3 grand (or less, if you're not at AU) not to mention no paycheck. WTF? But at the end of the day, it's usually a necessary evil.

Then there are your usual small companies and non-profits, who want various asundry things for free. Videos, websites, newsletters. But generally speaking, you end up feeling good about doing work for these companies because of either the work they do or how your work will help them up. Tickles the subcockles of your heart so to speak.

But NOW there are asshat institutions WHO CAN SO AFFORD TO PAY THE MONEY FOR THIS WORK trying to lure in students to do it dirt cheap. Case in point:
Discovery who's jumping on the YouTube bandwagon but taking it a step further. Spoof a show in 10 minutes or less and it gets shown on TV! At first I was like, um, ok, and then a friend pointing out to me it was "viral" marketing. You see the spoof and it goes in your eye and sits in your brain. And then you want too see what it's based on.
Chipotle is doing a student contest for a 30 second commercial for which the winning team will get paid 10 grand. Well, at least there's money involved, but come on. A commercial for 10 gs? Good night moon!
Chevrolet is doing a contest for students to make a Super Bowl Ad. This is only for writing, the top 5 then get flown to Detroit to pitch and then 1 is chosen. But, no money. No thing. DUDE. SERIOUSLY. Let's think about that SuperBowl spots even cost. Ok, I can't, I have no idea, but it's huge money. Probably more than my academic debt for a 15 second spot. Ok, I know it must be more than that. And they want me to write an idea? For fucking free? Go suck it. It's not the American Heart Association or anything. FUCKTARDS.

I think what's so infuriating is that this is a double edged sword of sorts. On one side you have students, who want the guts and glory, and will do this. And there are the companies, who know the students will do this and are rubbing their damned greedy hands together.

AHHHH MOTHERLAND. I really cannot stand to see people taken advantage of. It's one of my buttons. It's why I speak up against horrible teachers, rant openly about imbecilic bosses, and get all antsy in my pantsy about shit like this. AH. Fucking A.

Don't do stuff for free. Please. It only encourages this type of shenanigans and takes money out of the production companies and independent producers you will either work for, be, or own one day.

Don't be an asshat. Leave that to the big, misery companies.


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