Monday, August 28, 2006


"So what's the plot?"
"And what's on the plane?"

Oh. My god. Snakes on a Plane. So bad that it's good. So cheesy that you howl. Such blatant one-liners that can only make you laugh they're so bad. And to boot, I got carded to see the movie. Hello world? I can't even remember what movie I was last carded for!

Do the world a favor. Go see this movie. In a full house. And laugh more than you have laughed this summer. You shall enjoy it. Like you're on crack.

Since I have been doing non-post things for a few weeks, like packing, forgetting hard drives up in Maine, and casting wistful glances at the pool, I figure I should post about something, eh?
SNAKES ON A PLANE A must-see movie for the summer. Or end of summer. There's plenty more good shit coming out in the months to come, but if you love movies, go see this.
CLERKS 2 Being a devoted fan of the first film, how could I not like this movie? There are so many in-jokes and scenes that should cut out way earlier, but what can you do. I have respect for this movie for the jail scene (it's not a give away, you can't be that surprised someone ends up in jail :P) which is both 1) well written and pretty visceral for a comedy and 2) well edited. Any editor/director woulda cut out of that scene much earlier, but go kevin Smith. That scene was the heart of the movie, and to cut out earlier woulda been muy stupido.
The BROTHER GRIMM OMG, such bad dubbing that I couldn't even watch the movie. Seriously. Gag.
RABBIT PROOF FENCE There are some movies that introduce you to a piece of history that makes you most uncomfortable. The Magdalene Sisters was the last movie that did it for me. Assez difficile to believe that people can be that awful, especially on such a wide scale institutional level. Gag. And Rabbit Proof Fence does the same, and tells a story about Australia's governance of "half caste" children, or those born to 1 white parent and 1 aboriginal parent. Watch the making of on the DVD, which gives hope to me since the movie almost fell apart at the last minute, and proof that non-Hollywood films are held together with shoestrings, just like mine ;)
NATURAL BORN KILLERS I actually fell asleep in the middle of this, coz when I'm knackered, and it's dark, I crash no matter what. However, what I saw was enough to confirm the genius of Oliver Stone. As if U-Turn didn't prove that, but whatever.
SUPERMAN Amazing. I loved it. Alot of people hate it. Why the hate for Superman, yo? The flying was fantabulous. And Clark Kent is cute. What more do you need really?
DEVIL WEARS PRADA I loved the book and loved the movie. When's the last time something like that has happened to you? Hah! Never I bet! Rightly so. It's like lightning striking in the same place. Doesn't happen often. Which is too bad. Meryl Streep was just awesome. The perfect bitch boss. And the clothes were lovely.
UNITED 93 I mean, just amazing. I still remember how I felt coming out of the movie theater after the credit roll. The movie was perfect and beautiful and cathartic. I haven't seen World Trade Center, but
Ok, i can't remember what else I've seen this summer. A large part of my viewing pleasure time was taken up with Lost viewing, since I got TOTALLY 100% SUCKED IN to that damned TV show. Oh wait, I watched a Sundance series called THE STAIRCASE which is a documentary series that followed a crime case in small town, North Carolina. Initially, you see both sides of the story, but as time goes on, the prosecution stops allowing the filmmakers to tape. Which is fine, since you see how a pricey defense prepares it's case for the court. Very interesting. Great commentary on society. To say more would give it away. Enjoy it from Netflix!

Alright. Possibly more related Post stuff to come, or maybe just remiscining of stories from Maine. Either way, spell check won't be involved.


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