Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Post Girl is rather boring

Yeah, nothing going on of note up here. Some sun, some rain, some editing. And ze editing is le boring.

In other news, the remote control for my TV has vanished in the VORTEX OF DOOM. I was sitting on my couch the other night, esconced in some website or another, and I heard the remote control fall off the couch. I didn't turn to pick it up because why? I didn't need it then. Let LAO drone on in the background I figured. So perhaps 10 minutes later I turn around to pick up the remote. It's not on the ground. I furrow my brow and figure it must be under the couch. So I get down on my knees and look. No remote. I look under the chair. No remote. I survey the entire floor. No remote. Now I'm confused as hell. I heard it drop. I didn't move from the couch. And yet it's not where I heard it drop. WTF world? I tear apart the couch. No remote. I shine a flashlight under the couch, tables, chair. No remote. I look BEHIND the couch, where laws of physics deem that it could not possibly be, and yet I'm starting to think the laws of physics have ceased to exist, so shit, it's possible, and guess what? NO REMOTE.

I would like to point out that was Friday. I lost the remote Friday. And it? Is now Thursday.

Also, my new box of trashbags is missing. Now THAT is beyond any explanation I can offer.


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